A day to eat potato salad

Even if I lived by myself I would make a big bowl of potato salad now and then. I make the best potato salad I have ever eaten. Terry likes it, too, so I make it every  couple of months. Today was one of those days.

I came home from Columbia, where I read to sixth grade and  kindergarten classes, and realized I was hungry for something savory. I had bought Yukon gold potatoes at the grocery yesterday so put them in a pot of water, boiled them for a few minutes, and after leaving them to cool for awhile, came back and chopped the veggies–sweet pickles, red onion, and celery–along with the potatoes. I mix up my own dressing and stir it all together–potatoes, veggies, and dressing–while the potatoes retain a bit of warmth. I love to eat it right then.

Of course, there are leftovers of this salad. Enough to last a couple of days. But, it’s best when freshly made. The flavors do meld as the salad cools and the potatoes firm up, and I will gladly eat more as a snack. The funny thing about this salad, even though it is so delicious, I never make it to share. Most people want hardboiled eggs in their potato salad. Terry and I despise hardboiled eggs in any way, shape, or form, and cannot stand them in potato salad. I quit trying to explain our distaste for eggs in potato salad a long time ago. We just pass up the potato salad at potlucks and barbecues, leaving it for those who love hardboiled eggs to gobble up the eggy concoction. And when there is a sign-up sheet for dishes to bring, I always bypass the potato salad request.

7 responses to “A day to eat potato salad

  1. You sure made me hungry for potato salad. I’ll eat it any way it’s made, but I sure would like to be close enough to taste yours. Yum! 🙂

  2. I too often get a hankering for warm potato salad and, since mayo is on my no-no list, I instead use avocado, chopped up gluten free Lil Dill pickles instead of relish, celery, onions, and sometimes add a boiled egg.

  3. I now have to make potato salad tomorrow!! (with boiled eggs, of course– sorry). I love it warm too, though I don’t care for the German style of potato salad, which is usually served warm. My family is from the south, so you know our style of potato salad! Yum!

  4. I have a mid century version with red potatoes, red potatoes, and celery. Tossed with an oil and vinegar dressing, it’s great.

  5. …”red potatoes and red onions…”

  6. You have inspired me to make potato salad your way. Sounds delicious.

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