More stamina would be good

All those years of teaching, I was up at 5 a.m. Sometimes earlier for field trips or department chair meetings, or even the time we were on the morning news and  I had to be at school at 4 a.m. to let the news crew into my room. I did it, every weekday morning. Then I retired, and I could sleep in. Today, the alarm went off at 5:30, which would really be sleeping in if I was still teaching, and I could hardly move!

Terry had a full day scheduled and needed an early start, and because I too had a morning meeting, and chores to do before leaving, I was agreeable to the alarm. Until it sounded. At 5:30. Aaack. What happened to that girl who rolled out of bed five days a week at 5 a.m., left the house by 7,  and was on her feet all day? The girl who handled students, teachers, and business partners? The girl who could go from classroom to classroom, teaching four different subjects during the day? To 130 students?

Well, I’ll tell you what happened. Age! She is out of shape and moving slower. I needed all three hours this morning to do my usual chores and be ready to leave the house just past 8:30. I arrived at my meeting place early because I needed to pull books and pick up supplies for my coaching assignment. Then a three hour meeting to work on a new coloring book for first graders. We produced one last year but many of us felt it was over the heads of our youngsters so want something simpler. We have gotten a good start. There are seven of us on the committee to do this.

Home to have lunch and do laundry. When teaching, this would have been around 4:30 when I got home and I would still have the laundry to do and dinner to fix. Today, I did the three loads of laundry and laid down to take a nap. I do have to make dinner in a bit when Terry gets home because he has a meeting at church that will run until after 9 p.m. He has been gone all day. Meetings and cardio rehab. I doubt if he will get a nap before leaving at 6:30 p.m.

I think of people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg who is not only years older than me, has a very demanding job, and a major health issue, and still keeps all of her engagements. I am highly impressed. Her stamina far exceeds mine.

10 responses to “More stamina would be good

  1. We are all individuals in the way we age. RBG is a special case. And I know the feeling of getting older and still thinking I can do it all. You do a ton every day! 🙂

    • It’s the mundane, everyday tasks that wear on me. If I do those, I don’t have energy to do other things. And if I’m doing those activities that I so enjoy, then I don’t have the energy for the household tasks.

  2. I admire RBG’s stamina, but I think she’s the exception. I do NOT want to be half that busy when I’m her age.

    • She seems to thrive on what she does. My problem is that I don’t thrive on the mundane, household tasks. And, if I do them as I should, then there isn’t energy to do the stuff I really love.

  3. I had to laugh to myself as I read your pre-retirement schedule. Been there, did that (owned a business and was on the boards of several professional organizations so I was a full-blown Type A personality!). Not so much anymore. LOL I can sooo Identify with your lack of stamina. I’m the same way. And the gray cells are doing their slacking off too! I too admire RBG, but like you I don’t envy her work schedule. I mean, when is she going to retire and just ‘be’?

  4. Here we have a saying which says that the five fingers of our palm are not the same. We change as we grow older.

  5. Oh, wow, when I read your posts, I’m amazed at what you can accomplish in a day! And still have time to write! I think you’ll be okay…if slower. You have a heart that is a natural giver, and that has to be honored. So you will.

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