I just need staff

I think I’ve written that sentence before. If I had staff, probably like Ruth Bader Ginsburg has, I could get a whole lot more done! However, no staff around here, so I’m grateful for what I can accomplish, all on my own.

This morning, after that very early, very busy day yesterday, I slept in until close to 6:30. The cats wanted to be fed, and like I said, there is no cat-care staff. But, after feeding the cats, letting them in, out, in, out…I was able to be lazy as I had unloaded the dishwasher last night before going to bed.

I wandered around the backyard for awhile, enjoying the cool of the morning (we’ve had days over 100 all week), and then reading social media. Finally, by 7:30 I had brewed a pot of coffee and made toast for breakfast. No staff to provide the labor, but I’m grateful for the ability to do those tasks quickly and efficiently on my own, in my own kitchen. The dirty dishes will all go into the dishwasher (for which I am most grateful as there is no other scullery staff).

My hairdresser is also a makeup artist, and she has clients she sees almost every morning to do their makeup and hair. She goes to their homes to provide this service. Again, no such staff here. I will put on my makeup, comb my hair and go out to purchase groceries.

Now, that’s where I could have staff. I could order my groceries online and have a driver deliver it all to my door. But I enjoy picking out my own food, because I am the cook and want to purchase items that will make appealing dishes. Terry and I rarely eat out, but we have talked about going to a special place today for lunch. The staff there will cook and clean up for us.


3 responses to “I just need staff

  1. I need gardening staff!!!

    • Yes. I’ve actually hired some this year because of Terry’s inability to prune the front bushes and hedges. And we hired professional tree trimmers last fall and will probably do likewise this year as I don’t think Terry will ever again be able to climb trees with a chainsaw.

  2. Just thinking about climbing a tree with a chainsaw makes me sweat with anxiety! And yes, staff does make all the difference. 🙂

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