Summer heat lingers

The days are still very hot here in the San Joaquin Valley. Remember, this is the time for raisins to dry and cotton bolls to open. We need lots of sunshine for those crops that provide much of this area’s economy. 100 degree days, with no rain in sight, is a good thing.

The temperatures are cooler overnight, that’s when the wine grapes are picked and transported. Again, big cash crop here. Tomato harvesters run overnight, too, so that the canning factories can run the next day, putting all those red orbs into cans for use during the winter months. Just this last week, two trucks, one with wine grapes, one with tomatoes, crashed overnight in different places in the valley, leaving terrible sticky messes to be cleaned up.

Our mornings are glorious. I go out in the yards to run the sprinklers and find myself standing, enjoying the cool temperature, watching the sun come over the rooftops. Sunrise is much later now that summer is ending. The yards are so cool, with the trees shading the ground and providing a play of light and shadow. I have a variety of places I can sit and watch the wildlife enjoying the early morning. The squirrels are out, checking to see if I’ve brought them any nuts and seeds. The hummingbirds are also enjoying the cool air and the moisture from the sprinklers. The red geraniums are coming back to life, too.

Sunset comes earlier, but I’m rarely outside to catch any of that scene. Maybe in a couple of weeks, when the evening temperatures are cooler…probably not, though, as I’m tired by 5 p.m. If I sit on the porch, I will see more walkers in the early evening. Right now it’s still too warm to go walking before 9 p.m. Last night, when I locked up at 8, the temperature was still 90 degrees.


10 responses to “Summer heat lingers

  1. I simply could not function in that kind of heat. I’m feeling wilted when it gets to 80°F around here. But yes, the days are much shorter here, and the temperature cools way down at night. I’m happy with things just like they are. Summertime is a bit too hot and the days too long for my taste. 🙂

  2. We’ve kept our a/c on 24/7 lately, but try to keep it at 77 deg. Sometimes i give in and knock it down to 76, but we also have ceiling fans in every room and that helps a lot. Most of our doctor’s have their offices in Bakersfield, down the mountain and west about 40 miles. The temperature in B’field hovers around the 3 digit mark most days. We do our best to get in and get out so we can get back on top of our cool mountain. Well, cooler that is, than Bakersfield!

    • We keep the thermostat at 80 degrees during the day and 84 at night. I’m fine with those temps, but I’m not happy in the winter when we keep it at 70 daytime and 65 at night. Brrrr. But, we have low power bills compared to others so I guess it’s ok.

  3. Things usually cool off in my area around the first weekend in September. I can’t wait!

  4. Can’t bear heat, my brain shuts right down and I am so cranky I have to hermitize myself.

    But I do celebrate others enjoyment of it all!!


    • I think it’s what one is accustomed to. I grew up in the Valley heat, without AC, so I can handle it. I like it better now that all buildings and cars have AC.

  5. We’re getting record breaking hot temperatures here in Hawaii too. I don’t think it’ll cool off until November. That’s what my friends say.

  6. It’s been right around 75 right here on the coast. Just go a few miles inland, and the heat goes up 15 degrees. The valleys are 110 and the desert is 114. I’m very grateful to live here at the beach.

    • I have always said that San Diego is just about the most perfect weather any where in the world. I would love to live there, weather-wise, but the economic side would be prohibitive. We live in Fresno because it’s very affordable on a retirement pension.

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