Mid-June morning

Because of last week being discombobulated, I didn’t write much here at the blog. I’ve noticed others are not writing much either. Are we super busy with other pursuits? Are we too tired at the end of the day? Have the creative juices dried up in summer heat? Oh, wait, some of you live in the other hemisphere where winter is just getting started…maybe it’s gotten as cold there as it’s gotten hot here in the middle of California?

This beautiful June morning is so superb that I just had to come by here and tell you, dear Reader, a bit about the joy I feel on mornings like this.

First off, I’ve no where to go today so I slept in until almost 6:30, after a really good night’s sleep. Perhaps those two things helped me feel so good when I did get out of bed at the urging of the cats. The cats who wanted their breakfast and to be let out into the gorgeous sunshine.

It is 64F degrees with a light breeze. Terry got the coffee made before he went out to do hand watering in the front yard. We have some areas that do not have sprinklers so he likes to hand water and listen to his podcasts. He was wearing shorts as he walked out the door: “You may get a bit chilly, dressed as you are,” I called to him. “That’s okay, it will feel good,” he replied. We’ll see how long he stays out there.

I, on the other hand, cleaning up after, feeding and watering the cats, ran the sprinklers in the various yards. Also made my mocha, and because I had to come into the office to plug my phone into charge, decided to write a brief post here while enjoying the mocha. I do have go back outside, just because it’s so wonderful, but also because I have water running in some narrow beds of grass and ground cover where, again, there is no sprinkler system.

It is mid-June, the most perfect time of the year, in my mind. Very few obligations. Wonderful weather. Plenty of sunshine. Trees all leafed out. If you happen to follow my social media sites, you have probably seen some of the spots where I’ve been sitting and enjoying the season. I go to continue. Hope you all find time to write, too, I miss hearing from you.

7 responses to “Mid-June morning

  1. Busy/ Somehow, June is crazier than May and May was not easy. Ha! Just saying that’s my excuse.

    • May and December are way too busy…I’m planning ahead to make that change. I’m not going to do storytelling in December. That’s the month we hand out the teddy bears and it just gets to be overwhelming for me. Also, we want to be able to go watch our grandkids in their performances. We missed our grandson’s concert this year, and I don’t want that to happen again. Same thing with May, I want to be there for them.

  2. I’m not sure why I’m so busy, but I find myself scrambling from day to day trying to get everything done.

    • Next week looks reasonable, but the last week of June has been crammed full. I had one cancellation for a doctor’s appointment and I was quite glad. See, this is what happens when you put all medical, dental, and other personal appointments off until summer. Oh, and then other things come along, like taping a segment for our church’s 150th anniversary video.

  3. I’m glad to read that you are enjoying beautiful weather. There’s something very relaxing about hosing the garden. Gives you time to mull over things and make plans. Whether they come to fruition or not doesn’t always matter. May you and your husband enjoy this time of the year. Betty.

  4. Yep, no hot, hot weather here in New Zealand

    But on the other hand not cold, cold weather – some entertaining days where some sun, some rain and a little chill…

  5. Wow, that does sound like pretty perfect weather. And also glad to hear you slept in! Always makes me feel better to get enough sleep.

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