New lenses in old frames

As I was sitting on the garden bench, in the backyard, with black cats surrounding me, reading a really good book, She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica, the text came from the optometrist office: my glasses were back from the optician and could be picked up any time.

I flew into the house, putting things in place, changing clothes (because I was covered with cat hair) and brushing my hair. No makeup, no alarm set, just locked the doors and off I went. Texted Terry as I pulled out of the garage: glasses are here on my way 2 pu.

Quick transaction, so much so that I was back home with the glasses, and wearing the sunglasses, before Terry got back from the cat food store.

I was so happy to have my old frames back and the new lenses are just superb. I see so well. And, I will have a really good pair of sunglasses for tomorrow when a friend and I meet for walking around downtown and taking pictures.

4 responses to “New lenses in old frames

  1. Green with envy here–which you could see clearly with your new lenses. I need them, too, but am poised on the horns of a dilemma: cataract surgery–or not. I had my right eye done about 9 years ago but not the left because it wasn’t “that bad” yet. Now I think it is, but any kind of surgery at 87 is not appealing. I love to read but it’s becoming more difficult. Cost isn’t an issue because the surgery will be covered (but cowardice will not). A true dilemma. Enjoy your new lenses!

    • Cataract surgery is in my future but for now the cataracts are not growing nor causing problems. It’s a fairly easy procedure now, unlike decades ago when it required hospitalization. Some of my friends, younger than me, have had cataract surgery as well as the eye lid lift which helps peripheral vision. Our insurance covers it all.

  2. Great to hear you love your glasses and that they work perfectly!

  3. You just did something on the “spur of the moment” – ok you were expecting the call, but still you raced off with not much thought

    and catching up on reading of your blog, reveals a lot of soul searching on the future – changes – etc

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