Tag Archives: PC computers

This blog post will be boring, written on a PC

All of my photos are on my MAC (which is still in the Apple hospital), and I have no idea how to download photos on this, my husband’s desktop PC.  Oh, as a multimedia and yearbook teacher I’m sure I could figure it out if I wanted to, but I don’t.  It will be 107 degrees here today and I am saving all my energies (physical and mental) to just do the basic chores.  So, dear Reader, you don’t get a photo of my darling granddaughter today.  And I have a really cute one, too.

I will be seeing my darling granddaughter every day next week as I will be working at my daughter’s church, helping with Vacation Bible School.  Although she is only two months old, Leeya is brilliant, and I want to start reading to her.  I went this morning to one of my favorite places, Barnes & Noble, (they don’t pay me to say that, but I wish they would) and bought three books for her.  Two are cloth books, very soft, and the third is a softcover paper book that she will probably rip to pieces when she’s about nine months old.  Or chew to pieces.  All three have rabbits in them.  Seems like a theme I have going there.

I found a book on my shelf this morning that tells stories about familes, with the most wonderful pictures (gosh, I wish I could take a picture and show you) and it’s in English and Spanish.  Leeya’s parents speak Spanish and I hope they are going to teach her to be bilingual.  I’m going to read the Spanish parts to her.  By the end of next week, the child should be ready for school.