Tag Archives: Sierra Vista Mall

Beyond the school walls

What did I do this week?

On Monday I took four seniors to Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis to scope out the site for our chalk competition.  Went to Starbucks to revive our lagging energies.

Chalk artists meet here

Chalk artists meet here

On Wednesday I went along with the sophomores to Fashion Fair Mall to study visual display.  My nine students worked from Macys to Penneys, and did very well.  I treated all the sophomores to lollipops from Sees to tide us over until lunch back at school.

Nine outstanding sophomores standing outside Macys

Nine outstanding sophomores standing outside Macys

The next project

Pamela Hutton working with my seniors

Pamela Hutton working with my seniors

Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event to illuminate the benefits of afterschool programs and draw attention to the pressing need for additional programs. On October 22, 2009 hundreds of school districts and communities around the country will host Lights On events. Select schools in the Central Valley have participated annually with afterschool open houses; however, in 2009 the event will take on a larger, more collaborative scope.

The Central Valley Afterschool Foundation will work with the Fresno County Office of Education and regional school districts to create a major event that captures the attention of students, parents, teachers, administrators, businesses, youth organizations, government leaders, local media, and community in the Central Valley. The event will be conducted afterschool and evenings during October 21-22, Wednesday and Thursday, at Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis.

The Fresno High Marketing Academy has been engaged to coordinate and promote the High School Sidewalk Chalk Art Competition to be held on Wednesday, October 21, at the west entrance of Sierra Vista Mall in Clovis.  Pam Hutton, Director of Communications and Development, will meet with the class once a week to guide them on their project.  I will keep you all updated.