If it still works 

It was a Ladies Who Lunch day on Friday. Six of us met in a Target parking lot and carpooled to a small town about 30 miles south of Fresno to have really good Mexican food and even better conversation. We sat around the table for over three hours talking about all sorts of subjects.

One topic that had more than one of the gals ranting is cable tv prices. The rates just keep increasing and it’s hard to get a real person on the phone to talk about options. I had little to offer because we have never paid for tv programming.

We have an antenna and still manage to have more tv to watch than we have time for. Terry sets up a recorder for programs that will run late in the evening. We spend a couple of hours watching previously recorded programs each night. I can only handle about two hours at a time so we always have plenty to watch.

The discussion at lunch turned to the actual tv, and I said we have a 21-year old tv. One of the gals jokingly asked, “is it just black and white?”

It gets color but it’s not large. Nor is it high definition. However, it still works and until it dies, we will keep watching it. After I got home, and was watching the news, I took this picture and texted it to my friends with the note, “see, I do get color on the 21 year-old tv.”

11 responses to “If it still works 

  1. I say bravo to you. Why be pushed into getting new things if what you already have satisfies you?

  2. sounds like a lovely outing and catch-up! Amazing you haven’t gotten a new TV, you may never if this one doesn’t break. We have an old stereo system I’d love to donate but my husband won’t hear of it.

    • I really don’t like spending money on these entertainment gadgets. We watch very little tv compared to most folk, but I believe we still watch way too much. When I go into someone’s home, and the tv takes up a whole wall, I’m a bit taken aback. That giant monstrosity is front and center in their life.

  3. I find with my blind eyes that Hi-def is for me. I can actually see details on the small small TV upstairs. We have a flat screen downstairs that renders the world in fuzzyness. And too, we get no image without cable here. The wall that is the Point blocks all signals.

    • Even if we were to buy a new tv it would be small as it would have to go on that shelf in the wall unit. We have a small tv in the kitchen. Maybe 9 inches. It’s hooked to an antenna that sits in the kitchen window.

  4. David watches a lot of sports, reality shows, and movies on our TV, so he prefers a large TV to a small one. I rarely watch TV, because I prefer the computer.

    • We watch morning news while preparing breakfast and evening news while fixing dinner then 2 hours most evenings of recorded programs. That’s it. We both read a lot.

  5. We got a high-definition flat screen when we moved here from Colorado, and it went kaput after a few years. I was amazed when I went to replace it that the costs were only a quarter of what we paid before! We would be lost without cable, but you’re right: they have a monopoly and are worried about all the people who are moving to set boxes using their computers. I think cable will be a thing of the past in a decade or less. 🙂

    • We have never had cable as I refuse to pay for television. Terry bought a large laptop when we moved to San Francisco and it served just fine as our tv. I think I might be able to live without a television.

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